

For the past ten years, Mastercard has actively partnered with Stand Up to Cancer to support cancer research fundraising. In their 2022 campaign, Mastercard took a proactive step by featuring renowned actor Sterling K. Brown in a commercial. The goal was to inform viewers about how using Mastercard for specific purchases could directly contribute to SU2C's cause. To boost engagement and outreach, ROSE developed an interactive Snapchat filter. This filter functioned as a virtual gateway, immersing users directly into the commercial experience.




Finance Non-Profit








How the Snapchat Filter Works

Upon selecting the Snapchat filter, users actively followed a series of simple steps. These prompts actively encouraged users to align their faces within the outlined frame and take a selfie. Behind the scenes, various filters actively transformed these selfies to seamlessly integrate them into the virtual experience. For instance, the filter actively incorporated users' selfies into the latte art featured inside the mug. After completing the selfie process, users were prompted to "make a purchase" using their Mastercard, showcasing their Snapchat username. Subsequently, Sterling K. Brown actively appears behind the counter, handing the picture-perfect coffee to the user. Throughout this interactive experience, Brown actively educated users about how their Mastercard purchases could support Stand Up to Cancer's initiatives.

User aligns face

Align Face

user taps screen to donate

Tap Mastercard

Final screen with user's face as latte art

User's Likeness Displayed As Latte Art

The Strategy Behind The Filter

In the campaign spots, Sterling K. Brown is a barista who explains the campaign to coffee shop patrons before giving them a latte, complete with latte art of their faces. This moment underscores the fact that the cardholder is an integral part of the campaign and that the transaction goes beyond just a transaction.

To re-create this moment for Snapchat users, the existing campaign footage was edited to remove the surrounding environment from Brown, essentially creating an alpha video. To make it feel like the user was at the counter of the coffee shop from the TV spot, a counter, and backdrop were added to provide a foreground, middle-ground, and background.

In the Snapchat filter, Brown appears behind the counter and explains the promotion personally to the user. Then, just like in the commercial, a latte appears on the coffee shop counter, complete with foam art of the user’s face. The action of using the virtual Mastercard inside the virtual coffee shop environment underscored how cardholders could contribute to the campaign and how easy it was to do so.

This Snapchat filter actively demonstrates how assets can be repurposed across platforms for a cohesive campaign. We actively repurposed previously shot footage of Brown, not initially intended for augmented reality. For example, by removing the original background and layering assets, we created a convincing interactive experience for Snapchat users. As a result, we are showcasing the potential for cross-platform synergy in delivering a cohesive and impactful marketing campaign.

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