
How AR Onboarding Can Transform Training Programs

In the evolving landscape of employee training, augmented reality (AR) has emerged as a powerful tool for onboarding and development. AR onboarding programs provide immersive, interactive experiences that enhance learning, boost engagement, and ultimately lead to higher retention rates and a more efficient training process. Here, we explore five successful examples of AR training programs used by companies, highlighting how AR can revolutionize onboarding to deliver substantial ROI.

Introduction to AR Onboarding

Augmented reality blends the digital and physical worlds, offering an interactive layer of information that enhances real-world experiences. This technology is particularly effective for training and onboarding, providing new hires with a hands-on, engaging way to learn about their roles and the company. The benefits of AR onboarding include improved retention, faster training times, and more effective learning outcomes.

1. Walmart’s AR Training Programs

Walmart has been at the forefront of using AR for employee training. The retail giant implemented AR training to prepare employees for new technology rollouts and seasonal rushes. By using AR headsets, employees can simulate real-world scenarios, such as handling Black Friday sales, in a controlled and repeatable environment. This approach has led to a 10-15% increase in employee retention and a significant reduction in training costs. Walmart’s initiative showcases how AR can create realistic and immersive learning environments that enhance employee readiness and performance  .

2. Boeing’s AR Training for Aircraft Assembly

Boeing has utilized AR to train workers on the intricate processes involved in aircraft assembly. Using AR glasses, trainees can see overlaid instructions and guidelines while working on real components. This method has decreased assembly time by 25% and reduced errors by 50%, showcasing the efficiency and accuracy improvements AR can bring to technical training. Boeing’s use of AR ensures that employees are better prepared to handle complex tasks, leading to higher productivity and reduced operational costs .

3. UPS’s AR Driver Training

UPS employs AR in its driver training program, allowing new drivers to experience and react to various driving conditions and delivery scenarios. The AR system provides real-time feedback and coaching, which has led to a 40% reduction in accidents during the training period. This innovative approach has also shortened the training duration, allowing drivers to get on the road faster and more safely. UPS’s program highlights how AR can improve safety and efficiency in logistics and transportation training .

4. Siemens’ AR Maintenance Training

Siemens uses AR to train maintenance technicians in complex industrial environments. Technicians wear AR glasses that overlay step-by-step instructions and diagnostic information onto the equipment they are working on. This has improved the speed and accuracy of maintenance tasks by 30%, and has also reduced downtime, leading to significant cost savings. Siemens demonstrates how AR can enhance the technical skills of employees, ensuring high-quality maintenance and operational efficiency .

5. Hilton’s AR Customer Service Training

Hilton has introduced AR training for customer service staff, simulating interactions with guests in a virtual environment. Trainees can practice handling various scenarios, from check-in processes to handling complaints, with real-time feedback. This has resulted in a 20% improvement in customer satisfaction scores and a more confident, competent front-line staff. Hilton’s use of AR exemplifies how hospitality training can benefit from immersive and interactive learning experiences.

6. Unilever’s Global AR Onboarding

Unilever has implemented AR for onboarding new employees, providing them with interactive tours of their facilities and hands-on training modules for various job functions. This approach has not only accelerated the onboarding process but also enhanced employee engagement and retention. More details can be found on their website.

How AR Onboarding Boosts ROI

AR onboarding programs can significantly increase the return on investment (ROI) for training by:

1. Enhancing Engagement and Retention: Interactive AR experiences are more engaging than traditional training methods, leading to better retention of information and higher employee satisfaction.

2. Reducing Training Time: AR can accelerate the learning process by providing hands-on, practical experience without the need for physical resources.

3. Improving Accuracy and Performance: By offering real-time guidance and feedback, AR reduces errors and improves the overall quality of work.

4. Lowering Costs: AR training can minimize the need for physical materials and in-person trainers, leading to substantial cost savings.

5. Scalability: AR programs can be easily scaled across multiple locations, ensuring consistency in training quality and delivery.

Industries That Benefit from AR Onboarding


In manufacturing, AR can provide hands-on training for complex machinery and processes. Employees can practice and understand the operations in a virtual environment before handling real equipment, reducing errors and improving safety.


AR can simulate medical procedures, allowing healthcare professionals to practice and perfect their skills in a risk-free environment. This technology is particularly useful for surgical training and emergency response drills.


Retail employees can use AR to familiarize themselves with store layouts, product placements, and customer service scenarios. This ensures that they are well-prepared to provide excellent service from day one.


In the construction industry, AR can be used to visualize building projects, understand blueprints, and follow safety protocols. This technology helps in reducing on-site errors and improving project efficiency.


AR can simulate cockpit environments and flight scenarios, providing pilots and cabin crew with realistic training experiences. This helps in enhancing their skills and preparedness for real-life situations.

AR onboarding and training programs are transforming the way companies prepare their employees for their roles. By providing immersive, interactive, and efficient training experiences, AR technology not only improves learning outcomes but also delivers significant ROI. As more industries adopt AR for training, the potential for this technology to revolutionize workforce development continues to grow. By leveraging AR, companies can ensure that their employees are better prepared, more engaged, and more productive, ultimately leading to a more successful and competitive organization.

How Augmented Reality Scavenger Hunts Can Boost Marketing ROI

In the digital age, marketers are constantly seeking innovative ways to engage consumers and enhance brand loyalty. Augmented reality (AR) scavenger hunts have emerged as a powerful tool to achieve these goals. By blending the excitement of traditional scavenger hunts with cutting-edge AR technology, brands can create memorable experiences that drive customer engagement, increase return on investment (ROI), and foster brand loyalty. This article explores successful examples of AR scavenger hunts, key benefits for marketers, and the top industries poised to benefit from this technology.

How AR Scavenger Hunts Boost Marketing ROI

AR scavenger hunts offer several advantages for marketers looking to maximize their ROI:

1. Enhanced Customer Engagement: AR scavenger hunts create immersive and interactive experiences, encouraging active participation from consumers. This level of engagement goes beyond traditional advertising, fostering a deeper connection with the brand.

2. Increased Brand Awareness: These hunts can generate significant buzz and word-of-mouth publicity, significantly boosting brand visibility and attracting new customers.

3. Data Collection and Insights: AR scavenger hunts allow brands to collect valuable data on customer preferences and behaviors, which can be used to refine marketing strategies and improve future campaigns.

4. Boost in Sales and Foot Traffic: By directing participants to physical locations, AR scavenger hunts can increase foot traffic to stores and drive sales. Special offers and promotions tied to the hunt can further incentivize purchases.

5. Versatility and Customization: AR scavenger hunts can be tailored to suit any brand or campaign theme, making them a versatile tool for various marketing objectives.

Successful Examples of AR Scavenger Hunts

Several brands have successfully leveraged AR scavenger hunts to boost engagement and achieve marketing success:

Premier League Trophy Hunt by ROSE

Our team at ROSE, in partnership with the Premier League, developed an AR trophy hunt across five U.S. cities. Fans could use their mobile devices to locate and collect virtual Premier League trophies in physical locations, earning entries into a giveaway for match tickets. This hunt attracted thousands of participants, increasing brand visibility and fan engagement. The inclusion of social media features, such as sharing photos and videos with the trophies, further amplified the campaign’s reach . This example illustrates how AR can enhance fan engagement and create buzz around sporting events.

Ibotta Make It Rain AR Game

The Ibotta Make It Rain AR Game, developed by our team, integrated AR into a cash-back app to create a fun and interactive user experience. Users could activate the AR feature to make virtual dollar bills rain on their screen, which they could then tap to collect rewards. This gamified approach not only boosted app engagement but also increased the frequency of user interactions with the app . This use case shows how AR can be seamlessly integrated into mobile apps to enhance user engagement and loyalty. For more metrics and details, follow the link above.

Minecraft Quest by Big W

The Minecraft Quest, launched by Big W in partnership with Microsoft and Intergalactic Agency, allowed shoppers to embark on a real-world Minecraft adventure within Big W stores across Australia. Participants used their smartphones to scan images of Minecraft characters located on point-of-sale signage, which triggered AR experiences and led them on a quest to find hidden gems. The campaign saw over 12,500 plays and a significant 250% increase in SKU sales during its run . This example highlights how integrating popular themes and gamification into AR can drive foot traffic and sales.

The Great Old Bay AR Crab Hunt

McCormick’s Old Bay seasoning brand collaborated with NeoPangea to create The Great Old Bay AR Crab Hunt in Baltimore. This campaign encouraged residents to explore the city and find AR crabs, which were placed at various landmarks and local businesses. Participants could scan QR codes to unlock AR experiences and enter a sweepstake. This initiative not only boosted local business engagement but also reinvigorated community interest post-COVID . This scavenger hunt demonstrated the potential of AR to foster community engagement and support local economies.

19 Crimes’ AR Wine Labels

The 19 Crimes wine brand utilized AR to bring their wine labels to life. By scanning the label with a mobile device, customers could see and hear stories from the characters depicted on the bottles. This interactive experience not only entertained customers but also encouraged them to purchase and share their experiences on social media, leading to increased brand awareness and sales . This example demonstrates how AR can transform product packaging into an engaging marketing tool.

Top Industries for AR Scavenger Hunts

AR scavenger hunts can benefit various industries by creating engaging and memorable experiences. The top three industries poised to gain the most from this technology are:

1. Retail:

AR scavenger hunts can drive foot traffic to stores, increase sales, and enhance the shopping experience. Retailers can use AR to guide customers to specific products, offer exclusive promotions, and collect valuable customer data .

2. Tourism and Hospitality:

Hotels, resorts, and tourist destinations can use AR scavenger hunts to create personalized and memorable experiences for guests. These hunts can encourage exploration of the property or local area, enhance guest engagement, and increase customer loyalty .

3. Entertainment:

The entertainment industry can leverage augmented reality scavenger hunts for themed events, product launches, and cultural festivities. These hunts can create new revenue streams, drive customer engagement, and position the brand as innovative and forward-thinking .

Augmented reality scavenger hunts offer a unique and powerful way for brands to engage with consumers, increase brand awareness, and drive sales. By creating immersive and interactive experiences, augmented reality scavenger hunts can significantly enhance marketing ROI and foster long-term brand loyalty. As demonstrated by successful campaigns from Premier League, Ibotta, Minecraft, McCormick’s and 19 Crimes the potential for AR scavenger hunts in marketing is vast and varied. Retail, CPG, entertainment, tourism and hospitality are just a few of the industries that can benefit from incorporating this innovative technology into their marketing strategies.

For marketers looking to stay ahead of the curve, augmented reality scavenger hunts represent an exciting opportunity to connect with consumers in a meaningful and memorable way.