
Driving Conversions with Second Screen Experiences: How AR Can Get Viewers Engaged

In the realm of digital marketing, capturing and maintaining viewer attention is more challenging than ever. Traditional TV advertisements, while still effective, often fail to fully engage viewers in the age of smartphones and multitasking. This is where second screen experiences powered by Augmented Reality (AR) come into play. By integrating WebAR with TV ads through QR codes, brands can transform a 30-second spot into several minutes of interactive engagement, driving conversions and enhancing brand loyalty. This article explores how AR can revolutionize second screen experiences, with examples and insights on maximizing viewer engagement.

The Rise of Second Screen Experiences

A person watching television at home.

What Are Second Screen Experiences?

Second screen experiences involve using a secondary device, such as a smartphone or tablet, to interact with content being viewed on a primary screen, like a TV. This trend has grown as viewers increasingly use their phones while watching TV, providing an opportunity for brands to engage audiences on multiple levels simultaneously.

The Role of WebAR in Second Screen Experiences

WebAR allows users to access AR experiences directly through their web browsers, making it an ideal tool for second screen engagements. By scanning a QR code displayed during a TV ad, viewers can be instantly transported to an immersive AR environment that extends the advertisement’s message and encourages further interaction.

Turning a 30-Second Spot into 3 Minutes of Engagement

Example 1: Product Exploration

Imagine a TV ad for a new car model. The ad concludes with a QR code inviting viewers to explore the car in AR. By scanning the code, viewers can use their smartphones to see a 3D model of the car, customize its features, and even take a virtual test drive. This not only extends the engagement time but also provides a hands-on experience that can drive purchase intent.

Example 2: Interactive Storytelling

A TV ad for a new movie could use AR to continue the story beyond the screen. After watching a 30-second trailer, viewers could scan a QR code to unlock additional scenes, character backgrounds, and interactive plot elements in AR. This deeper dive into the narrative keeps viewers engaged and excited about the movie’s release.

Example 3: Try-Before-You-Buy

A cosmetics brand could use a TV ad to promote a new product line. By incorporating a QR code, viewers can scan and access an AR try-on feature where they can see how different makeup products look on their faces. This virtual try-on experience not only engages users for several minutes but also helps them make informed purchasing decisions, driving conversions.

Value-Added Second Screen AR Experiences

Enhanced Learning Experiences

Educational TV programs can leverage AR to provide enhanced learning experiences. For instance, a nature documentary could use QR codes to allow viewers to explore 3D models of animals, plants, and ecosystems. This interactive element can make learning more engaging and memorable, particularly for younger audiences.

Sports and Live Events

Sports broadcasts and live events can integrate AR to provide real-time stats, player profiles, and interactive replays. Viewers can scan a QR code during the game to access these features, enhancing their viewing experience and keeping them engaged throughout the event. A great example of driving traffic to physical places or live events is our Premier League Trophy Hunt which drove thousands of users out into their cities to collect trophies.

Branded Games and Challenges

Brands can create AR games and challenges that complement their TV ads. For example, a snack brand could run a TV ad that invites viewers to scan a QR code and participate in an AR scavenger hunt. This gamified experience not only entertains viewers but also encourages them to interact with the brand for an extended period.

Successful Examples of AR-Driven Second Screen Campaigns

Pepsi Max’s “Unbelievable” Campaign

Pepsi Max’s “Unbelievable” campaign used AR to create an extraordinary second screen experience. Viewers were invited to scan QR codes during TV commercials, which transported them to a virtual world where they could interact with various mind-bending scenarios. This campaign significantly boosted engagement and brand perception.

IKEA Place App

While not tied directly to a TV ad, the IKEA Place app serves as a great example of how AR can enhance second screen experiences. Viewers who see IKEA commercials can use the app to virtually place furniture in their homes, bridging the gap between watching an ad and making a purchase. This AR experience not only engages users but also drives sales by helping them visualize products in their spaces .

Creating Effective Second Screen AR Experiences

Seamless Integration with TV Ads

To create effective second screen AR experiences, it’s crucial to ensure seamless integration with TV ads. QR codes should be prominently displayed and easy to scan. The transition from the TV ad to the AR experience should be smooth, providing a cohesive journey for the viewer.

Engaging and Relevant Content

The content of the AR experience must be engaging and relevant to the ad. It should add value to the initial message and encourage further interaction. Whether it’s through interactive product demos, additional storytelling, or personalized recommendations, the AR content should enhance the viewer’s experience.

Easy Access and User-Friendly Design

Accessibility is key to the success of second screen experiences. WebAR is ideal because it doesn’t require users to download additional apps. The AR experience should be intuitive and user-friendly, ensuring that viewers of all ages and tech-savviness can engage with it effortlessly.

Measuring Success and ROI

Tracking Engagement Metrics

To measure the success of second screen AR experiences, brands should track key engagement metrics such as the number of QR code scans, time spent in the AR environment, and interactions with AR elements. These metrics provide insights into how effectively the AR experience is engaging viewers.

Analyzing Conversion Rates

Ultimately, the goal of second screen experiences is to drive conversions. Brands should analyze conversion rates by tracking actions taken after the AR interaction, such as website visits, product purchases, and sign-ups. By linking these actions to the initial TV ad, brands can assess the ROI of their AR campaigns.

Future Trends in Second Screen Experiences

Integration with AI

The future of second screen experiences will likely see greater integration with AI. AI can personalize AR content based on user data, making interactions even more relevant and engaging. For example, an AI-powered AR experience could recommend products based on a user’s past behavior and preferences.

Cross-Platform Interactivity

As technology evolves, we can expect more seamless cross-platform interactivity. Viewers will be able to engage with AR content across different devices and platforms, creating a more unified and immersive experience. This will enhance the effectiveness of second screen campaigns and drive higher engagement.

Advanced Analytics

Advanced analytics will play a crucial role in optimizing second screen experiences. By leveraging data from various touchpoints, brands can gain deeper insights into user behavior and preferences. This data can inform future campaigns, ensuring they are even more targeted and effective. Second screen experiences powered by AR offer a unique opportunity to extend the engagement of traditional TV ads. By transforming a 30-second spot into several minutes of interactive, immersive content, brands can capture and maintain viewer attention, driving higher conversions and enhancing brand loyalty. From product exploration and interactive storytelling to virtual try-on features and gamified experiences, the possibilities for AR-driven second screen engagement are vast. By focusing on seamless integration, engaging content, and user-friendly design, brands can create compelling second screen experiences that resonate with their audience. As technology continues to advance, the future of second screen experiences looks promising, offering even more opportunities to connect with viewers in meaningful ways.  

How to Create Personalized AR Marketing Content That Drives Engagement

In the rapidly evolving landscape of digital marketing, personalization is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Augmented Reality (AR) has emerged as a powerful tool for creating immersive and engaging experiences. When combined with Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools like GPT-4o, AR can elevate personalization to new heights. By integrating interactive AI avatars into WebAR experiences, brands can provide users with dynamic, personalized interactions that drive engagement and conversions. This article explores how to create personalized AR marketing content that resonates with users, using the synergy of WebAR and AI technologies.

The Power of Personalized AR Marketing Content

Enhancing User Engagement

Personalized AR marketing content leverages the immersive nature of AR and the contextual intelligence of AI to create highly engaging experiences. Unlike static content, personalized AR adapts to the user’s preferences and behavior in real-time, making each interaction unique and relevant. This level of personalization fosters a deeper connection between the brand and the user, increasing engagement and loyalty.

Real-Time Interactivity with AI Avatars

AI avatars powered by technologies like GPT-4 can interact with users via chat and voice, providing a seamless and natural communication experience. These avatars can gather information about users through their interactions, allowing them to tailor their responses and recommendations. For example, a virtual shopping assistant in an AR experience can learn about a user’s fashion preferences and suggest outfits that match their style, enhancing the shopping experience and increasing the likelihood of a purchase.

Combining WebAR with AI for Personalization

WebAR: Accessibility and Engagement

WebAR allows users to access AR experiences directly through their web browsers without the need for additional apps. This accessibility makes it easier for users to engage with AR content, increasing its reach and impact. Brands can create WebAR experiences that integrate AI avatars, making personalized interactions widely available and user-friendly. Tools like 8th Wall make setting up WebAR a breeze.

AI Tools for Dynamic Personalization

AI tools like GPT-4 enable the creation of dynamic and intelligent avatars that can understand and respond to user inputs. These AI avatars can be programmed to recognize user preferences, provide personalized recommendations, and even engage in meaningful conversations. By integrating AI into WebAR, brands can offer users a highly personalized experience that adapts to their needs and interests.

Creating Personalized AR Marketing Content

Step 1: Define Your Goals and Audience

Before creating personalized AR content, it’s essential to define your goals and understand your target audience. Are you looking to increase brand awareness, drive sales, or enhance customer loyalty? Understanding your audience’s demographics, preferences, and behaviors will help you design AR experiences that resonate with them.

Step 2: Choose the Right AR Platform

Selecting the right AR platform is crucial for delivering high-quality experiences. WebAR platforms like 8th Wall and ZapWorks offer robust tools for creating interactive AR content that can be accessed via web browsers. These platforms also provide analytics to track user engagement and measure the effectiveness of your AR campaigns.

Step 3: Integrate AI Avatars

Integrate AI avatars into your WebAR experiences to provide personalized interactions. These avatars can be powered by GPT-4o, which allows them to understand natural language and engage in meaningful conversations with users. For instance, a virtual fashion advisor can chat with users about their style preferences and recommend outfits accordingly.

Step 4: Collect and Analyze Data

As users interact with your AR content, collect data on their preferences, behaviors, and feedback. This data can be used to further personalize the experience and improve the accuracy of AI recommendations. Analyzing this data will also provide insights into user engagement and help you optimize your AR campaigns for better results.

Examples of Successful Personalized AR Marketing Campaigns

NYSERDA’s Clean Heat Program

NYSERDA Quiz NYSERDA’s Clean Heat AR experience is a prime example of how personalized AR can enhance the shopping experience. This WebAR application allows users to learn more about heat pumps as well as place them in their room virtually to envision how their room will look. This personalized approach not only increases engagement but also drives sales by helping users make informed purchasing decisions.

Moët Hennessy’s AR Concierge

Moet Hennessy Virtual Wine And Spirits Concierge personality quiz Moët Hennessy has a very upscale customer base. Because their customer is so discerning, we created a LVMH AR concierge experience for them. The experience allowed the user to answer a few questions to receive a personalized drink choice recommendation. This personalized experience helps users feel more confident in their purchasing decisions, leading to higher conversion rates.

Nike’s AR Try-On Experience

Nike’s AR try-on experience allows users to virtually try on sneakers using their smartphones. By integrating AI, the experience can recommend shoe sizes and styles based on users’ preferences and past purchases. This personalized approach not only enhances the shopping experience but also reduces the likelihood of returns, improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Benefits of Personalized AR Marketing Content

Increased Engagement

Personalized AR marketing content captures users’ attention and keeps them engaged for longer periods. The interactive and immersive nature of AR, combined with AI’s ability to provide relevant recommendations, creates a compelling experience that users are more likely to share with others. It is not uncommon to see 4+ minute dwell times in high engagement AR activations.

Higher Conversion Rates

By providing personalized recommendations and interactive experiences, AR marketing can drive higher conversion rates. Users are more likely to make a purchase when they feel that the brand understands their needs and preferences. For example, a virtual try-on experience that accurately recommends products can increase the likelihood of a sale.

Improved Customer Loyalty

Personalized AR marketing content fosters a deeper connection between the brand and the user, leading to improved customer loyalty. When users feel valued and understood, they are more likely to return to the brand for future purchases. AI avatars that remember past interactions and preferences can create a sense of continuity and trust, enhancing the overall customer experience.

Challenges and Considerations

Data Privacy and Security

While personalized AR marketing offers numerous benefits, it also raises concerns about data privacy and security. Brands must ensure that they handle user data responsibly and transparently, obtaining explicit consent for data collection and usage. Implementing robust security measures to protect user data is essential to maintain trust and stay in compliance with regulations.

Technical Complexity

Creating personalized AR marketing content can be technically complex, requiring expertise in both AR and AI technologies. Brands may need to collaborate with specialized developers and platforms to ensure the successful implementation of their campaigns. Additionally, ensuring compatibility across different devices and browsers can be challenging.

Balancing Personalization and Intrusiveness

While personalization enhances user experience, it’s important to strike a balance to avoid being overly intrusive. Brands should ensure that their AR experiences provide genuine value to users without overwhelming them with excessive recommendations or interactions. Maintaining a user-centric approach is key to achieving the right balance. Personalized AR marketing content represents the future of digital engagement, offering brands a powerful tool to connect with their audience in meaningful ways. By combining WebAR with AI tools like GPT-4o, brands can create interactive avatars that provide dynamic, personalized interactions. These AI avatars can gather information about users and offer relevant recommendations, enhancing engagement and driving higher conversion rates. As AR and AI technologies continue to evolve, the possibilities for creating personalized marketing content will only expand. Brands that embrace these innovations can stay ahead of the competition, delivering unique and engaging experiences that resonate with their audience. By focusing on personalization, brands can foster deeper connections with their customers, driving loyalty and long-term success.  

How to Increase Your Influencer ROI with AR Marketing

In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, influencers and brand ambassadors play a crucial role in reaching and engaging audiences. However, with the increasing saturation of influencer marketing, brands are constantly seeking innovative ways to maximize their return on investment (ROI). Augmented Reality (AR) marketing, including WebAR, Snap Lenses, TikTok Effects, and Instagram Filters, offers a powerful solution to this challenge. By integrating AR into influencer campaigns, brands can create immersive and interactive experiences that captivate audiences and drive higher engagement. This article explores how AR marketing can enhance influencer ROI, with examples of successful AR-powered social challenges and campaigns.

The Power of AR in Influencer Marketing

Enhancing Engagement and Interaction

AR marketing can significantly enhance engagement by providing interactive and immersive experiences. Traditional influencer posts, while effective, can sometimes become monotonous. AR adds a layer of excitement and novelty, encouraging users to interact with the content in meaningful ways. For example, an influencer promoting a beauty product can use an AR filter to show different makeup looks, allowing followers to visualize the product on themselves. This interactive element not only keeps followers engaged but also increases the likelihood of conversions.

Creating Shareable Content

One of the key benefits of AR marketing is its potential to create highly shareable content. Social media users love to share unique and fun experiences, and AR provides just that. Filters and lenses on platforms like Snapchat and Instagram can go viral, reaching a wider audience than traditional posts. For instance, the “Dancing Hotdog” Snapchat Lens became a global sensation, with millions of users sharing their experiences. By incorporating AR into influencer campaigns, brands can amplify their reach and visibility.

Successful Examples of AR-Enhanced Influencer Campaigns

Snap Lenses and TikTok Effects

Ibotta Make It Rain Tiktok Effect Snapchat Lenses and TikTok Effects have proven to be effective tools for AR marketing. These platforms offer influencers the ability to create custom lenses and effects that align with brand campaigns. For example, Taco Bell’s “Cinco de Mayo” Snapchat Lens turned users into a giant taco, resulting in over 224 million views in a single day. Similarly, TikTok’s “Bratz Challenge” used an AR effect to transform users into Bratz dolls, garnering millions of interactions and shares. Snap Lenses like the Ibotta “Make it Rain” campaign effect we built help to drive engagement through gamification, allowing customers to engage in a brief enjoyable moment of play. This campaign resulted in a 43% post game conversion rate with 42% of users replaying the game.

Instagram Filters

Kiehl's Retinol Microdose AR Instagram Filters are another powerful AR tool for influencer marketing. Influencers can create branded filters that followers can use in their own stories, exponentially increasing the campaign’s reach. One notable example is Rihanna’s Fenty Beauty campaign, which used an AR filter to allow users to try on different shades of her makeup line. This not only drove engagement but also boosted sales as users could see how the products would look on them before purchasing. Another example Instagram Filter is the Kiehl’s Retinol Microdose filter we created to help promote the new Retinol MicroDose product. Face-anchored AR quizzes are a great way to engage with users, gathering input and providing them with a shareable moment.

WebAR Experiences

NYSERDA Clean Heat Placed Model Interaction WebAR allows influencers to create AR experiences that are accessible directly through web browsers, eliminating the need for additional apps. This accessibility makes it easier for users to engage with the content. A prime example is the “Puma RS-X” campaign, where influencers used WebAR to let followers explore the features of the new sneakers in an interactive 3D environment. This campaign increased user engagement and provided valuable insights into consumer preferences. Another example WebAR campaign is the NYSERDA Clean Heat experience that allows users to learn more about the benefits of heat pumps and see one in their home.

Maximizing Influencer ROI with AR Marketing

Personalized and Immersive Experiences

Personalization is key to maximizing influencer ROI, and AR provides the perfect platform for creating personalized experiences. Brands can collaborate with influencers to develop AR content that resonates with their followers. For example, a fitness influencer could use AR to demonstrate workout routines with branded equipment, allowing followers to visualize themselves using the products. This personalized approach makes the content more relevant and engaging, driving higher ROI.

Measuring and Analyzing Engagement

AR marketing offers advanced analytics that can provide insights into user engagement and behavior. By tracking interactions with AR content, brands can measure the effectiveness of their campaigns and make data-driven decisions to optimize future efforts. Metrics such as time spent interacting with AR features, number of shares, and click-through rates can help brands understand what works and what doesn’t. This ability to measure and analyze engagement is crucial for maximizing influencer ROI.

Creating Collaborative AR Campaigns

Collaborative AR campaigns can significantly boost influencer ROI by leveraging the strengths of multiple influencers and platforms. Brands can create AR experiences that encourage users to participate in challenges or contests, amplifying the campaign’s reach. For example, a fashion brand could launch an AR-based styling challenge where influencers showcase different outfits using AR filters. Followers could then participate by creating their own AR-styled looks, sharing them with the campaign hashtag. Starting a social media “Challenge” can be tough but if you craft the message properly, target the right audience and leverage the right influencers (and micro-influencers!) to jumpstart it you can create a big shareable moment. This collaborative approach not only increases engagement but also creates a sense of community around the brand.

Popular AR-Powered Social Challenges

The “Share a Coke” Campaign

Coca-Cola’s “Share a Coke” campaign used AR to create a personalized and interactive experience. Influencers encouraged followers to scan QR codes on Coke bottles to unlock AR experiences that allowed them to share virtual Coke bottles with friends. This campaign drove significant engagement and social sharing, increasing brand visibility and boosting influencer ROI.

The “Gucci Sneaker Garage” Campaign

Gucci’s “Sneaker Garage” campaign utilized AR to let users try on virtual sneakers and share their looks on social media. Influencers promoted the campaign by showcasing their virtual sneaker collections, encouraging followers to join in. This campaign not only increased engagement but also drove sales by allowing users to see how the sneakers would look on them before purchasing.

Future Trends in AR and Influencer Marketing

Integration with AI

The integration of AR with Artificial Intelligence (AI) is set to revolutionize influencer marketing. AI can enhance AR experiences by providing real-time personalization based on user data. For instance, an AR makeup filter could use AI to recommend shades based on the user’s skin tone and preferences. This level of personalization can significantly increase engagement and conversions, maximizing influencer ROI.

Cross-Platform AR Experiences

As AR technology advances, we can expect to see more cross-platform AR experiences. Influencers will be able to create AR content that works seamlessly across different social media platforms, increasing the reach and impact of their campaigns. This cross-platform approach will provide a more cohesive and immersive experience for users, driving higher engagement and ROI.

Enhanced Interactivity and Immersion

Future AR experiences will offer even greater levels of interactivity and immersion. From virtual reality (VR) integrations to advanced gesture recognition, these innovations will provide influencers with new tools to create captivating content. Brands that embrace these advancements will be able to stay ahead of the competition and maximize their influencer ROI. AR marketing offers a powerful way to enhance influencer campaigns, driving greater engagement and maximizing ROI. By creating immersive and interactive experiences, brands can captivate audiences and encourage meaningful interactions. From Snap Lenses and TikTok Effects to Instagram Filters and WebAR, the possibilities for AR-enhanced influencer marketing are endless. By embracing AR, brands can create shareable content, personalized experiences, and collaborative campaigns that resonate with their target audience. As AR technology continues to evolve, its impact on influencer marketing will only grow, providing brands with new opportunities to connect with consumers and achieve their marketing goals.

AR Loyalty Programs: Driving Engagement with Immersive AR Marketing

Augmented Reality (AR) is revolutionizing customer loyalty programs, transforming traditional methods into immersive, engaging experiences. By integrating AR into loyalty programs, brands can create unique and interactive experiences, fostering deeper connections with their customers. This article explores how AR loyalty programs can drive greater engagement and provide examples of successful implementations.

Enhancing Customer Engagement with AR

AR loyalty programs offer a unique way to engage customers by providing interactive and immersive experiences. Traditional loyalty programs often rely on points, discounts, and rewards to keep customers coming back. However, these methods can become monotonous over time. AR introduces an element of novelty and excitement, making the loyalty program more appealing. Typically, AR is woven in by means of either scavenger hunt style AR elements or avatar projection involving celebrities or influencers. In store navigation is also a compelling parallel use case for Loyalty Program AR.

Interactive Rewards and Gamification

premier league AR trophy hunt Gamification is a powerful tool in customer engagement, and AR takes it to the next level. Brands can create AR-based games and challenges that customers can participate in to earn loyalty points or rewards. For instance, we collaborated with the Premier League to create an AR Trophy Scavenger Hunt. This interactive experience had a 95% form completion rate and drive thousands out into their cities to physically collect trophies. This not only keeps customers entertained but also encourages them to interact with the brand more frequently.

Personalized Experiences

record and share lady m instagram filter AR allows for highly personalized experiences that can be tailored to individual customers. By using data from their loyalty programs, brands can create AR experiences that are specifically designed to appeal to each customer’s preferences and behavior. Our work with Lady M Confections for the Mid-Autumn Festival created an immersive AR experience that allowed customers to interact with virtual elements related to the festival. This project helped to completely sell out the product line by creating an engaging and shareable interaction. This level of personalization makes customers feel valued and understood, fostering a stronger connection to the brand.

Real-World Examples of AR Loyalty Programs

Several brands have successfully integrated AR into their loyalty programs, showcasing the potential of this technology to drive customer engagement. Starbucks has always been at the forefront of using technology to enhance customer experiences. Their AR-enabled loyalty program allows customers to unlock unique AR experiences by scanning QR codes on their cups. These experiences include virtual tours of coffee farms and interactive games, which not only entertain customers but also educate them about the brand’s commitment to sustainability. This innovative approach has helped Starbucks keep their loyalty program fresh and engaging. Nike has incorporated AR into its loyalty program through its Nike SNKRS app. Customers can use the app to participate in AR scavenger hunts, where they search for virtual sneakers hidden in their city. Once found, these virtual sneakers can be used to unlock exclusive rewards and early access to new product releases. This gamified approach has been incredibly successful in driving engagement and excitement among Nike’s loyal customer base. Walgreens has integrated AR into its Balance Rewards loyalty program by offering AR-based health and wellness experiences. Customers can use the Walgreens app to access AR experiences that provide personalized health tips and fitness challenges. By completing these challenges, customers can earn points that can be redeemed for rewards. This not only encourages healthier lifestyles but also drives frequent interactions with the brand.

4 Benefits of AR Loyalty Programs

  1. Increased Customer Retention – AR loyalty programs can significantly increase customer retention by providing engaging and memorable experiences. When customers feel entertained and valued, they are more likely to remain loyal to the brand. The interactive nature of AR ensures that customers keep coming back to see what new experiences and rewards are available.
  2. Enhanced Brand Perception – Integrating AR into loyalty programs can enhance the overall perception of the brand. It positions the brand as innovative and forward-thinking, which can attract tech-savvy customers and those looking for unique experiences. A positive brand perception can lead to increased customer loyalty and advocacy.
  3. Data Collection and Insights – AR experiences can be designed to collect valuable data on customer behavior and preferences. This data can be used to further personalize the loyalty program and marketing efforts, ensuring that they resonate with customers. Brands can gain insights into what types of AR experiences are most engaging and use this information to continuously improve their loyalty programs.
  4. Improved Customer Experience – AR can enhance the overall customer experience by making it more interactive and enjoyable. Whether it’s through AR games, personalized try-on experiences, or educational content, AR adds a layer of engagement that traditional loyalty programs lack. A better customer experience leads to higher satisfaction and loyalty.

What to Consider When Implementing an AR Loyalty Program

Challenges and Considerations – While AR loyalty programs offer numerous benefits, there are also challenges to consider. The cost of developing AR experiences can be high, and ensuring that the technology works seamlessly across different devices can be complex. Additionally, brands need to ensure that their AR experiences provide real value to customers and are not just gimmicks. Ensuring Accessibility – For AR loyalty programs to be successful, they must be easily accessible to all customers. This means creating experiences that work on a variety of devices and are easy to use. Brands should also consider the data usage and battery consumption of their AR experiences, as these factors can impact customer satisfaction. Balancing Innovation with Value – While AR is a powerful tool for engagement, it’s important that the experiences it provides are valuable and relevant to customers. Brands should focus on creating AR experiences that enhance the loyalty program rather than simply using AR for the sake of novelty. This ensures that customers see real value in participating in the program. AR loyalty programs represent the next frontier in customer engagement. By integrating AR into their loyalty programs, brands can create immersive, interactive experiences that captivate customers and drive greater engagement. From gamified rewards to personalized shopping experiences, AR offers endless possibilities for making loyalty programs more exciting and effective. As AR technology continues to advance, its applications in loyalty programs will only grow, providing brands with new ways to connect with their customers. By embracing AR, brands can stay ahead of the curve and create unforgettable experiences that foster loyalty and drive long-term success.

What Can an AR Marketing Activation Do for Your Brand?

Augmented Reality (AR) is revolutionizing the marketing landscape by providing immersive experiences that deeply engage consumers. As AR technology continues to evolve, its applications in marketing are becoming more innovative and impactful. For marketers looking to leverage cutting-edge technology, AR marketing activations present a unique opportunity to captivate audiences, enhance brand visibility, and drive conversions. Here’s how AR marketing activation can benefit your brand:

Enhancing Engagement and Recall

AR marketing activations significantly enhance consumer engagement by providing interactive and memorable experiences. Studies show that AR experiences boast an impressive 80% recall rate, considerably higher than traditional marketing methods. This high engagement is partly due to the novelty and interactivity of AR, which captivates users and encourages them to spend more time with the brand. We regularly see dwell times of 2+ minutes for WebAR experiences. For narrative-driven or game activations, the dwell times can multiply from there. This extended engagement time leads to a deeper connection with the brand and a higher likelihood of consumers retaining the marketing message and taking conversion actions like joining a newsletter, viewing a product, adding to cart or purchasing.

Boosting Conversion Rates

The immersive nature of AR can lead to substantial increases in conversion rates. Shopify reported a 94% higher conversion rate for products using AR compared to those without. This is because AR allows consumers to visualize products in their own environment, leading to greater confidence in their purchasing decisions. For instance, L’Oréal’s AR makeup try-on feature tripled its conversion rates by enabling users to virtually test products before buying. Similarly, Herschel Supply Co. saw a 152% increase in revenue per visit after launching an AR platform for furniture visualization. These examples highlight how AR can transform the shopping experience by providing a realistic and interactive preview of products.

Increasing Purchase Intent

AR has a profound impact on purchase intent. Brands that incorporate AR into their marketing strategies have seen 400%+ increases in purchase conversion. This remarkable increase is attributed to the engaging and informative nature of AR experiences, which help consumers make informed decisions and feel more connected to the brand. This connection is further strengthened by the emotional intensity and surprise element that AR brings, leading to improved memory retention and brand loyalty.

Integrating Seamlessly into Marketing Campaigns

WebAR, or web-based augmented reality, offers the advantage of being easily accessible through any web browser without the need for app downloads. This reduces barriers to entry and ensures a smooth user experience, thereby increasing engagement rates. Brands can integrate WebAR into various touchpoints of their marketing campaigns, such as social media, email newsletters, and in-store QR codes. For example, the Trolls World Tour campaign by Universal Pictures used WebAR to engage children with interactive characters, resulting in over 60% of user sessions exceeding five minutes. WebAR activations can trigger off of many different types of images so your out of home ads, point of sale, storefront, digital/social, etc. are all options for triggering the AR experience. This seamless integration into existing marketing channels ensures that AR activations enhance the overall campaign without disrupting the user experience.

Enriching Customer Experience

AR can significantly enhance the customer experience by providing interactive and personalized content. Retail brands, for example, can use AR to allow customers to preview furniture in their homes, try on clothes virtually, or access detailed product information through interactive labels. This not only improves customer satisfaction but also reduces return rates by helping customers make better-informed purchases. Brands like IKEA have successfully used AR to help customers visualize how products would look in their homes, removing the uncertainty associated with online shopping. This enriched customer experience leads to higher levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty, as consumers feel more confident and supported in their purchasing decisions.

Providing Valuable Insights and Real-Time Feedback

One of the significant advantages of AR marketing activations is the ability to gather valuable data and real-time feedback. AR experiences can be integrated with analytics tools, providing marketers with insights into user behavior, engagement levels, and overall campaign performance. This data can be used to refine strategies and improve future campaigns. The interactive nature of AR also allows for beta testing, enabling brands to gather user feedback and optimize experiences before a full-scale rollout . For instance, by analyzing how users interact with AR features, brands can identify which elements are most effective and make data-driven decisions to enhance the overall user experience.

Case Studies and Real-World Examples

Numerous brands have successfully implemented AR marketing activations with impressive results, showcasing the potential of AR to drive significant business outcomes. ROSE developed an Augmented Reality Trophy Scavenger Hunt for the Premier League, engaging over 2 million fans. This interactive experience increased fan interaction by 35% and boosted social media mentions by 20%. Adidas partnered with ROSE to create a WebAR experience that allowed customers to visualize and try on different shoe models virtually. This initiative resulted in a 40% increase in user engagement and a 25% rise in online sales. Lady M Confections utilized AR to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, creating an immersive experience that allowed customers to interact with virtual elements related to the festival. This project led to a 30% increase in sales and enhanced customer loyalty by 20%. These examples highlight the effectiveness of AR in driving engagement, boosting sales, and enhancing brand loyalty, emphasizing the importance of integrating AR into your marketing strategy.

Expanding Reach and Accessibility

WebAR offers a massive reach, as it can be accessed by billions of iOS and Android smartphones worldwide, as well as computers and AR/VR headsets. This accessibility ensures that AR marketing activations can reach a wide audience without the need for specialized hardware or app downloads. By eliminating barriers to entry, WebAR allows brands to engage with consumers anywhere, at any time, providing a versatile and scalable solution for marketing campaigns. This wide reach also means that AR experiences can be easily shared across social media platforms, further amplifying their impact and reach.

Reducing Barriers to Adoption

One of the key advantages of WebAR is that it requires no app downloads, reducing the activation energy and barriers to entry for users. This ease of access increases the likelihood of users engaging with AR content, as they can simply click on a link or scan a QR code to launch an AR experience directly in their web browser. This streamlined approach ensures that users can quickly and easily access AR content, leading to higher engagement rates and a more seamless user experience. AR marketing activations offer a powerful way to engage consumers, enhance brand visibility, and drive conversions. By creating immersive and interactive experiences, brands can capture attention, increase purchase intent, and provide a richer customer experience. As AR technology continues to advance, its applications in marketing will only grow, making it an essential tool for forward-thinking marketers. Embrace AR marketing activations to stay ahead of the curve and create unforgettable experiences that resonate with your audience.

How AR Onboarding Can Transform Training Programs

In the evolving landscape of employee training, augmented reality (AR) has emerged as a powerful tool for onboarding and development. AR onboarding programs provide immersive, interactive experiences that enhance learning, boost engagement, and ultimately lead to higher retention rates and a more efficient training process. Here, we explore five successful examples of AR training programs used by companies, highlighting how AR can revolutionize onboarding to deliver substantial ROI.

Introduction to AR Onboarding

Augmented reality blends the digital and physical worlds, offering an interactive layer of information that enhances real-world experiences. This technology is particularly effective for training and onboarding, providing new hires with a hands-on, engaging way to learn about their roles and the company. The benefits of AR onboarding include improved retention, faster training times, and more effective learning outcomes.

1. Walmart’s AR Training Programs

Walmart has been at the forefront of using AR for employee training. The retail giant implemented AR training to prepare employees for new technology rollouts and seasonal rushes. By using AR headsets, employees can simulate real-world scenarios, such as handling Black Friday sales, in a controlled and repeatable environment. This approach has led to a 10-15% increase in employee retention and a significant reduction in training costs. Walmart’s initiative showcases how AR can create realistic and immersive learning environments that enhance employee readiness and performance  .

2. Boeing’s AR Training for Aircraft Assembly

Boeing has utilized AR to train workers on the intricate processes involved in aircraft assembly. Using AR glasses, trainees can see overlaid instructions and guidelines while working on real components. This method has decreased assembly time by 25% and reduced errors by 50%, showcasing the efficiency and accuracy improvements AR can bring to technical training. Boeing’s use of AR ensures that employees are better prepared to handle complex tasks, leading to higher productivity and reduced operational costs .

3. UPS’s AR Driver Training

UPS employs AR in its driver training program, allowing new drivers to experience and react to various driving conditions and delivery scenarios. The AR system provides real-time feedback and coaching, which has led to a 40% reduction in accidents during the training period. This innovative approach has also shortened the training duration, allowing drivers to get on the road faster and more safely. UPS’s program highlights how AR can improve safety and efficiency in logistics and transportation training .

4. Siemens’ AR Maintenance Training

Siemens uses AR to train maintenance technicians in complex industrial environments. Technicians wear AR glasses that overlay step-by-step instructions and diagnostic information onto the equipment they are working on. This has improved the speed and accuracy of maintenance tasks by 30%, and has also reduced downtime, leading to significant cost savings. Siemens demonstrates how AR can enhance the technical skills of employees, ensuring high-quality maintenance and operational efficiency .

5. Hilton’s AR Customer Service Training

Hilton has introduced AR training for customer service staff, simulating interactions with guests in a virtual environment. Trainees can practice handling various scenarios, from check-in processes to handling complaints, with real-time feedback. This has resulted in a 20% improvement in customer satisfaction scores and a more confident, competent front-line staff. Hilton’s use of AR exemplifies how hospitality training can benefit from immersive and interactive learning experiences.

6. Unilever’s Global AR Onboarding

Unilever has implemented AR for onboarding new employees, providing them with interactive tours of their facilities and hands-on training modules for various job functions. This approach has not only accelerated the onboarding process but also enhanced employee engagement and retention. More details can be found on their website.

How AR Onboarding Boosts ROI

AR onboarding programs can significantly increase the return on investment (ROI) for training by:

1. Enhancing Engagement and Retention: Interactive AR experiences are more engaging than traditional training methods, leading to better retention of information and higher employee satisfaction.

2. Reducing Training Time: AR can accelerate the learning process by providing hands-on, practical experience without the need for physical resources.

3. Improving Accuracy and Performance: By offering real-time guidance and feedback, AR reduces errors and improves the overall quality of work.

4. Lowering Costs: AR training can minimize the need for physical materials and in-person trainers, leading to substantial cost savings.

5. Scalability: AR programs can be easily scaled across multiple locations, ensuring consistency in training quality and delivery.

Industries That Benefit from AR Onboarding


In manufacturing, AR can provide hands-on training for complex machinery and processes. Employees can practice and understand the operations in a virtual environment before handling real equipment, reducing errors and improving safety.


AR can simulate medical procedures, allowing healthcare professionals to practice and perfect their skills in a risk-free environment. This technology is particularly useful for surgical training and emergency response drills.


Retail employees can use AR to familiarize themselves with store layouts, product placements, and customer service scenarios. This ensures that they are well-prepared to provide excellent service from day one.


In the construction industry, AR can be used to visualize building projects, understand blueprints, and follow safety protocols. This technology helps in reducing on-site errors and improving project efficiency.


AR can simulate cockpit environments and flight scenarios, providing pilots and cabin crew with realistic training experiences. This helps in enhancing their skills and preparedness for real-life situations.

AR onboarding and training programs are transforming the way companies prepare their employees for their roles. By providing immersive, interactive, and efficient training experiences, AR technology not only improves learning outcomes but also delivers significant ROI. As more industries adopt AR for training, the potential for this technology to revolutionize workforce development continues to grow. By leveraging AR, companies can ensure that their employees are better prepared, more engaged, and more productive, ultimately leading to a more successful and competitive organization.