Building Blocks

Harnessing the power of emerging technology has the ability to expand your brand reach, brand loyalty, social presence — the possibilities are endless. Utilizing flawless UX and UI design allows for a user-friendly and beautiful product that people want to use, and comprehensive art direction allows for an experience to come alive in all dimensions.


Art Direction

Directing in immersive mediums isn’t easy. It requires an ability to design in multiple dimensions, understand how real world objects react to physical forces, and how users will interact with both the world around them and the screen in front of them. The best experiences balance the physical and emotional aspects of a multi-dimensional experience, and we have worked with brand leaders to create these projects.

UX/UI Design

When working in both 2D and 3D there are different design considerations than your typical website or mobile app. Accessibility takes on new definitions when layering a flat interface over the world around you. Designing with user objectives in mind, we ensure that using augmented reality creates an added layer of value instead of a gimmick.